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Here's How To Become A Contributor To WTVOX Magazine

Start by submitting an original article. Original means free from plagiarism and never published anywhere else.

Recurring submissions are encouraged and awarded. After your 3rd article (approved), we’ll create your author profile.

The profile consists of a dedicated page with:

– Author photo.

– Author bio – a maximum of 400 characters.

– Personal/business website links.

– Social media handles.

1) Learn about us:

Know our values; we cover fashion with a touch of innovation and sustainability, for a cleaner industry and a better world.

2) Know the subjects we publish:

Browse existing content to see the topics we cover. Just because we have a ‘fashion category’, it does not mean we post anything about fashion. Also, just because we do not have certain categories it does not mean we won’t accept your proposal.

3) Be SEO-friendly:

Your submission must be of at least 400 words, with a simple and easy to read approach.

4) Backlinks Policy:

If you are submitting an article for a ‘do-follow’ backlink on WTVOX Magazine, mention that in your message.

5) Submit:

That’s all, now send your article to

By submitting an article to be reviewed and published on WTVOX Magazine, you imply that you have read, understood and agreed to our ‘Terms and Conditions’ and with our ‘Creative Contributor Agreement’, available below.

Creative Contributor Agreement

I agree to submit digital content, including but not limited to text, images, graphic elements, audio or video work, hereafter named as ‘content’, for publication on website, owned and operated by LARA Media Group, hereafter described as the ‘publisher’.

I hereby state that I assign and convey to publisher a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, and non-exclusive right and license to use, edit, alter, copy, store, post, publish, transmit, communicate, publicly display and perform, distribute, promote, advertise, and create compilations and derivative works of the submitted content or any creative aspect thereof, in any medium which currently exists or which may be developed in the future.

I am also aware that once the content is published, the retraction of content will be at the discretion of the publisher.

I further warrant and convey that the content submitted to the publisher are my own and have not been reproduced or plagiarized in any way. All submitted content that was not created by me shall be accompanied by written permission to publish from the proper owner of such rights. The publisher has the right to accept or refuse, the content or any combinations of content from being published.

Therefore, I agree that I will not:

(a) submit material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret, or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless I have written permission from the rightful owner to grant publisher all of the rights granted herein.

(b) publish falsehoods or misrepresentations.

(c) submit advertisements or solicitations of business.

I understand that my name will not be credited until the publisher has published at least 3 of my submissions. At the time my third submission is approved, my submissions, including previous posts, will be credited with an account, which holds an appropriate and publisher approved photo, a short bio, and links to my personal/business page and social media accounts.

I hereby release, discharge, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless publisher, her/his heirs, legal representatives, or assigns, and all persons functioning under her/his permission or authority, or those for whom she/he is operating, from any liability claims whatsoever in connection with the use of content, including but not limited to, libel, slander, copyright infringement, unfair competition, endorsement, trademark infringement, or dilution.

Should the publisher receive a request for correction or retraction based on the content provided by me, I agree that the publisher has the right to take the appropriate steps required to resolve the request or claim, and I agree to hold the publisher harmless of any resolution the publisher considers appropriate. I further agree to cooperate and assist the publisher in gathering relevant information if requested to do so.

I am submitting content on my own accord and without the promise that my submission will be approved for posting. I further acknowledge that I am not owed and will never be owned any compensation by the publisher concerning the content submitted.

I have read and understood, accept and agree, with the Terms and Conditions stipulated in this agreement, in which I enter voluntarily, in full and with immediate effect. Any questions regarding this ‘Contributor Agreement’ must be directed to

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